520告白日网络情人节(Network Valentine's Day)是信息时代的爱情节日,定于每年的5月20日和5月21日。该节日源于歌手范晓萱的《数字恋爱》中“520”被喻成“我爱你”,以及音乐人吴玉龙的网络歌曲中“我爱你”与“网络情人”的紧密联系。后来,“521”也逐渐被情侣们赋予了“我愿意、我爱你”的意思。“网络情人节”又被称为“结婚吉日”、“表白日”、“撒娇日”、“求爱节”。

在这个时髦化、年轻化、精神化和含蓄化的节日里,“520(521)1314我爱你(我愿意)一生一世”是其经典数字语录,吴玉龙的《网络情人》为节日主打歌。这两天,人们通过(手机移动、PC传统)互联网络(以微信、QQ、微博、论坛等为平台)或手机短信大胆说(秀)爱,甚至送礼(红包)传情、相亲寻爱,更有无数对情侣扎堆登记结婚、隆重举办婚宴,很多商家也趁势开展团购、打折等促销活动,网上网下掀起一浪高过一浪的过节热潮。随着节日参与人数日益增多,各种媒体(报纸、电视、互联网等)竞相报道520、521“网络情人节”、“表白日”、“撒娇日”的节日盛况 。

1. 我的眼中没有星辰大海,没有纸醉金迷,没有灯红酒绿,只有你。

In my eyes, there is no sea of stars, no paper addiction, no red lights, only you.

2. 你是我的现在和所有未来。

You are my today and all of tomorrow.

3. 我的野心不大,不想要世界只想要你的余生相伴不相离。

My ambition is not big, don't want the world just want you to stay together for the rest of your life.

4. 只求在我最美好的年华里,遇到你。

Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.

5. 我对你除了故作姿态的勇敢,剩下的全是欲盖弥彰的喜欢。

I like you except for your brave posturing.

6. 只愿多年后,我白发苍苍,容颜迟暮,你仍牵我双手,倾世温柔。

I only hope that many years later, I am gray haired, and my face is fading, and you still hold my hands and pour out the world gently.

7. 从遇见你的那天起,我就像跌入了深深的湖水,心一直想往你身上靠。

From the day I met you, I was like falling into a deep lake, my heart always wanted to lean on you.

8. 你说深情不及久伴,我愿久伴深情都为你。

You say deep love is not as long as company, I would like to long with deep love for you.

9. 真正属于我的故事不多,只有一个,想讲给你。

There are not many stories that really belong to me, only one that I want to tell you.


Before I met you, I didn't want to get married. After I met you, I didn't want to marry anyone else.


The answer is very long. I plan to spend my whole life answering. Are you ready?


If it's a pleasure to meet you, then it's lucky to want to go with you.

13.时间会告诉我们, 简单的喜欢最长远, 平凡中的陪伴最心安 ,懂你的人最温暖。

Time will tell us that simple like the most long-term, ordinary company in the most comfortable, understand your people the most warm.


There are three kinds of love in the world: sun, moon and Qing. Morning is sun, evening is moon, and Qing is morning and evening!


I am a person who can ruin your lipstick, not a person who can ruin your mascara.


I love you not only because of who you are, but also because of who I am when I am with you.


See you for the first time, in the crowd, alone beautiful, just one eye, sink my heart.

18.世界上最美好的三天 , 有你的那天 , 有我的那天 , 当你我变成我们的那天。

The best three days in the world, the day with you, the day with me, the day when you and I become us.


The best things have passed through your whole world. The happiest thing is that I am your whole world.


Always quarrel with you, but never want to separate, always make fun of you, but never dislike.


I like you so much for three minutes, but I remember you so clearly. Not that you all have what I like, but that I like what you have.

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